Poverty is a manmade human suffering of which millions of people are suffering across the world.. It can easily be removed but it seems that those who are in position to remove it dont have true intention to do that… Millennium Development Goals by UNs have completed years back. Sustainable Development Goals that initiated in 2015 by UNs with slogan leave no one behind are in progress for last 5 years which are mainly aimed at bringing equality from three dimensions Economic, Social and Environment. when we check on the ground find no equality after these all efforts. I believe that a strategic intervention by individuals across the world can be a real game changer. if we all start helping poor with whatever we can do at our own level will bring about a change.
Every day is dedicated for something like yoga day, women day, children day, teachers day and so on. I wonder y can’t we have some days like blanket day, shoes days etc to help those who can’t help themselves…We at LEX Foundation urge people to donate blankets or warm cloths to homeless in your locality.. Its is the easy way of doing charity to help others in need.. Help Homeless in your locality… If anyone finds any homeless needing blanket or warm cloth and u can’t help them then do let us know and we would take care of it.. our helpline number is +91 9999 670700 / Email is – LexFoundationIndia@gmail.com
we as an Organization have been doing our bit to eradicate this manmade human suffering. Recently we run a drive to distribute clothes to seasonal worker in local area. we have also urging others to donate woolen cloths, shoes etc to poor /homeless in their locality. we have been using facebook to urge people about it.

we are running a awareness campaign to encourage people to donate food and warm cloths to poor/homeless in their locality directly. We are encouraging people for direct donation to poor and not to NGOs because such charity can be done directly by the givers.
#LexFoundation #DonateDirect