Power is needed only when u desire to harm anyone, otherwise love is enough for getting anything done…Manmade boundaries of religion, caste, creed, nationality, race, gender, economic or social status of an individual etc divide us as human… Human Brotherhood Initiative of Lex Foundation is about spreading the peace and harmony beyond these all manmade boundaries..we recognise all as Human….
Human Brotherhood Initiative of Lex Foundation is about spreading the Peace and Harmony by transcending the manmade boundaries of Religion, Caste, Creed, Nationality, Gender, Economic & Social status of an individual.
Life is beyond all logics of meanings… Diff religions give diff meanings to life.. the truth is that nobody knows what is the meaning of life, what happens after this life and what had happened before this life…
Identifying all as Human irrespective of their religious, social, economical, national or demographical identity is the ONLY solutions for all the ongoing conflicts in our society.. It’s a crime against the Humanity that there is so much wealth and people are dying of hunger and poverty… Let us not fight for non existential issues of religion or castes but unite to fight for poverty, hunger, inequality and injustice in pursuit of peace and freedom…
We refuse to identing people as Hindu, Muslim, Sikh, Charistian, Jain etc. We see all human being as Human Being irrespective of their all other manmade identities.
LEX Foundation strives to remove these man-madeboundaries that have led to discrimination in the society.We want more and more people to join us to contributetowards world transformation.We believe that “together we can”bring about positive change in the society we live in.
HUMAN BROTHERHOOD INITIATIVE of LEX Foundation is about promoting Humanity beyond all man-made boundaries for world Peace& Harmony.It promotes equality for each and respect for all!We believe all religions can co-exist peacefully. We hope tospread the message of unity in diversity across the world.The world can only progress when peace prevails. India’s corevalues of communal harmony and brotherhood inspires ourinitiative. Terrorism of all forms must be condemned andcountered by love.